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Shipment of Waste Continues

Twenty-four containers with 406,840 lbs of waste have been shipped off-site as of the close of last week, Friday, May 17th.

First Shipment of Waste Leaves the Site Monday, May 6th

First truck pulling out of the building loaded for waste shipment.

First truck pulling out of the building loaded for waste shipment.

Confirming truck weight while preparing to leave NMI.
Confirming truck weight while preparing to leave NMI.

Gross weight check on waste truck.

Gross weight check on waste truck.First waste disposal truck leaving NMI around 1 pm Monday, May 6, 2013.First waste disposal truck leaving NMI around 1 pm Monday, May 6, 2013.

Shipment Commences of Waste Materials/Building Contents

As part of the building demolition, shipment of waste materials from the building contents for off-site disposal will begin the week of May 6, 2013, in accordance with the EPA approved Phase 1 Construction Submittal. A maximum of six trucks per weekday will depart from the site, avoiding rush hours and school bus hours. Removal of the building contents is scheduled to continue through the end of 2013.

Phase 1 Construction Submittal Approved March 21, 2013.

Phase 1 Construction Submittal was approved 21MAR2013.

Activities Continue Despite Snow

Grading activities continued during February, as well as excavation for truck scale foundation, despite snow accumulations. During major snowfall events on February 10th, March 8th, and March 19th, snow and ice were removed from driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and fire hydrants. This allowed for ready access for emergency vehicles and access and egress from buildings as needed. The Truck Scale installation was completed on March 15, 2013.


Truck scale area during March 8th snow event


Installation of truck scale, concrete pad placement.


Completing installation of the truck scale.

Completing installation of the truck scale.


Disposal Preparation

Continued radiological screening of Laboratory Package Material in preparation for disposal.

Tree Clearing


Tree clearing activities continued around west side of Butler Buildings (top left, before), on the southwest side of Building A (right, before) as well as in the Building A courtyard (bottom left, before). Also performed tree stump removal and completed removal of the interior fence south of Building A as part of the Site Management and Security Plan Addendum #1.

After photos:


West side of Butler Buildings                                     SW corner of Building A


South end of Building A                                                Building A Courtyard

Site Improvement Work

Mobilized to site last week to begin site improvement work. Started tree clearing on January 21, 2013 following worker site orientation and health and safety briefing. Clearing should continue the rest of this week.

Addendum 1 to the Site Management and Security Plan

Addendum 1 to the Site Management and Security Plan was approved by EPA on December 20, 2012. The Addendum covers site work necessary to implement the NTCRA, including some tree clearing, grading soils, moving a section of fence, installing a truck weigh scale and creating a waste container staging area.

Last updated on January 6, 2021