Latest News

Latest Off-Site Shipping Campaign Complete

A total of 32 additional containers have been shipped off site via four rail cars from 28 July to 6 August 2014. Material consisted of interior building debris for a estimated total of 385,000 lbs. The next shipment of off-site waste is scheduled for this fall.

Aerial View of NMI Site

Aerial flyover performed this month for a view of the rooftop systems to be dismantled and removed. For more photos, visit NTCRA Progress.NMI Aerial Photo looking East_June 2014


Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment Complete

EPA provided conditional approval of the Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment on 14 May 2014. The final comments have been incorporated into the documents and the document, tables and figures, and appendices are now available here.

Rooftop Walkway Installed

Completed installation of walkway system on rooftops of Buildings A, B, and C to provide safe access for building maintenance and rooftop system investigations.Roof Walkway System Building A

Shipping Resumes

An additional eight containers were shipped off-site for disposal on Wednesday, 16 APR 2014.

EPA Approves Remedial Investigation Report and Human Health Risk Assessment

EPA provided approval on 2 APR 2014 for the Remedial Investigation Report and Human Health Risk Assessment. Click here to download the reports and appendices.

Shipping Campaign Complete

The site completed another shipment of waste containers off site for disposal on 19Mar 2014. This round, a total of 32 containers were shipped. Twelve empty containers have been staged on site to be loaded for the next shipping campaign. A total of 186 containers (including 2 tankers) have been shipped to date.

Front view of container shipped on 19 Mar 2014.

Front view of container shipped on 19 Mar 2014.

Off-Site Shipment of Waste Resumes

Shipment of waste off-site for disposal resumed this week with 21 containers shipped as of Friday, March 14, 2014.

Building Clean-out Continues

The clean out of the Laboratory and second floor of Building A is now complete. The combustible walls in both Buildings A and B have been removed. The utility clean-out in Building B continues. See NTCRA Progress for photos showing Building C before and after clean-out.

Building Stabilization Activities Continue

Work inside the NMI buildings continues, such as removal of interior vacuum lines from buildings A, B, D, and D; removal of non-structural combustible walls in Buildings A and B; removal of interior utilities such as electrical conduits, process piping, non-process piping and ductwork; and removal of remaining equipment. See NTCRA Progress for photo of Building C Utility Removal.

Last updated on February 7, 2014