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Public comment period draws to a close

Public comments on the Proposed Cleanup Plan will be accepted through 14 JAN 2015.  See the USEPA news release for more information.

High Hazard Work Continues

High Hazard Work continued during December 2014 and January 2015. Decontamination and clean-out progressed, especially in the former Hydrofluoric Acid area as shown. To see more photos of progress, go to NTCRA Progress.Bldg Former HF Area

Public Hearing on 10 DEC 2014

The Public Hearing on the Proposed Remedial Action Plan for the Nuclear Metals, Inc. Superfund Site will be at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, December 10, 2014, also at the Concord Town Hall Meeting Room, 22 Monument Square, Concord, MA.

Public Review and Comment Period Extended

USEPA issued a news release today to announce the extension of the public review and comment period. Public comments on the Proposed Cleanup Plan will be accepted through 14 JAN 2015. USEPA will also hold a formal public hearing, where oral comments will be accepted on the Proposed Plan, on Wednesday, 10 DEC 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Concord Town House, 2nd Floor, 22 Monument Square, Concord, Mass.

Recent Shipping Campaign Complete

Thirty-two (32) Intermodal containers were shipped off-site during the recently completed eight-day shipping campaign that ended Wednesday, 12 NOV 2014. This week, approximately 12,000 gallons (three tankers) of RCRA nonhazardous water from the FRAC tank will be loaded and transported of US Ecology in Idaho.

Shipping Continues This Week

Shipping resumed Monday, 3 NOV 14, with 24 more intermodal containers shipped through the following Monday, 10 NOV 14 for a total of 250 containers shipped.

Feasibility Study Report Available

The Feasibility Study Report for the Nuclear Metals, Inc. Superfund Site is complete and available to download. Individual components of the 3 NOV 2014 EPA approved report can also be found on the RI/FS Related Documents page.

EPA Releases the Proposed Remedial Action Plan

EPA has released the Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP) for the Nuclear Metals, Inc. Superfund site. Full report is available to download.

Public Meeting and Hearing Dates Announced

The Public Meeting on the proposed Remedial Action Plan for the Nuclear Metals, Inc. Superfund Site will be at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at the Concord Town Hall Meeting Room located at 22 Monument Square, Concord, MA.

The Public Hearing on the Proposed Remedial Action Plan for the Nuclear Metals, Inc. Superfund Site will be at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, December 10, 2014, also at the Concord Town Hall Meeting Room.

Meteorological Tower erected, Air Monitoring Stations complete

The Meterological Tower has been installed in the northeast parking lot, just north of the Cooling Water Pond. All four of the Air Monitoring Stations have been installed and are operational. Air Monitoring will proceed pursuant to the Air Monitoring Plan approved by EPA on 29 JUL 2014.

North Air Monitoring Station

Meteorological Tower

Last updated on October 11, 2016