Shipping Campaign Underway
The latest shipping campaign for off-site waste disposal began 20JUL 2105. As of noon 27JUL15, 21 intermodal containers with 450,380 pounds (3,317 tons) were shipped off site.
The latest shipping campaign for off-site waste disposal began 20JUL 2105. As of noon 27JUL15, 21 intermodal containers with 450,380 pounds (3,317 tons) were shipped off site.
Dismantling and removal of the rooftop systems prior to building demolition is nearly complete. Units that cannot be dismantled safely will be demolished during the Phase III Building Demolition. For additional photos, see NTCRA Progress.
Sixty-four (64) intermodal containers with waste totaling 1,384,970 lbs or 692.5 tons were shipped off-site during the May/June 2015 Shipping Campaign that ended yesterday, 2 JUN 2015. Another shipping campaign is projected to occur later this year before building demolition begins.
In preparation for building demolition, the rooftop systems are being dismantled and removed as shown here on the northwest side of Building D. The mechanical exhaust unit has been sprayed with lock down agent on the exterior and interior of the unit and the intake and exhaust have been sealed. The unit has also been wrapped in plastic wrap in preparation of its removal.
EPA is working on an Action Memorandum for another Non-Time-Critical Removal Action (NTCRA), which will address 1, 4-dioxane in groundwater. EPA, MassDEP, and Respondents have been working together to identify the key elements for the design of the NTCRA for 1,4-dioxane in groundwater, which generally includes further delineation of the extent of 1,4-dioxane above regulatory limits in overburden and bedrock groundwater, performance of an “aquifer pump test” in order to obtain necessary hydrogeologic data for system design (e.g., locations and pumping rates for extraction wells to capture the 1,4-dioxane plume), and performance of one or more treatability studies to evaluate potentially applicable technologies to remove 1,4-dioxane from the extracted groundwater. Further delineation is likely to occur later this spring, before the Action Memorandum is issued.
Interior building demolition is essentially complete with the removal of the non-structural walls. Initiating HEPA vacuuming of the surfaces to remove dust and adding an application of “lock down agent” to further control dust. Anticipate building demolition to begin Summer 2015. For more progress photos, see NTCRA Progress.
Work resumes in the previously closed buildings as the snow and ice thaws and Spring approaches Concord. The site is gearing up for the next shipping campaign, due to start in early April 2015.
Approximately 4 feet of snow, more in some areas, covers the rooftops in Buildings A, B, and C. In the interest of worker safety, work is suspended in these areas pending rooftop snow removal. The contamination reduction zone has been moved to Building D and work will continue in Building D and E. See NTCRA Progress for more snow photos.
Last updated on February 16, 2015