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EPA Announces Completed Record of Decision

EPA provided a news release 1OCT2015 announcing the completed Record of Decision (ROD) for the Nuclear Metals Site, Inc. The ROD generally includes the following components:
• Excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 82,500 cubic yards of contaminated materials.
• In-Situ stabilization of depleted uranium contaminated soils in the Holding Basin using apatite injection.
• Extraction and ex-situ treatment of groundwater for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and 1,4-dioxane.
• In-situ treatment of depleted uranium and natural uranium in groundwater.
• Long-term monitoring to monitor the effectiveness of in- and ex-situ treatment.
• Institutional Controls to prevent disturbance of the Holding Basin area, prevent the use of Site groundwater, and address potential vapor intrusion risks.

Additional Groundwater Investigation for 1,4-dioxane Commences

USEPA (EPA) approved the Groundwater Investigation Work Plan on 27AUG15 for further delineation of the contaminant 1,4-dioxane. The investigation will include installation of additional monitoring wells, comprehensive groundwater quality monitoring to define the extent of the 1,4-dioxane plume and water level monitoring. EPA is considering accelerating this portion of the proposed remedy and performing it as a Non-Time-Critical Removal Action (NTCRA) rather than as part of the overall remedy. Crews mobilized to the site and began well installation today, 1SEP15.


Crews beginning installation of MW-35, adjacent to Main street.

Fall Shipping Campaign Complete

The site completed the second shipping campaign of 2015 on 31JUL with a total of 40 intermodal containers shipped containing 731,930 pounds (366 tons) of waste for disposal.

Loading activities on 29JUL15 in Building D for off-site shipping campaign.

Loading activities on 29JUL15 in Building D for off-site shipping campaign.

Shipping Campaign Underway

The latest shipping campaign for off-site waste disposal began 20JUL 2105. As of noon 27JUL15, 21 intermodal containers with 450,380 pounds (3,317 tons) were shipped off site.

Rooftop Systems Removal Nearing Completion

Dismantling and removal of the rooftop systems prior to building demolition is nearly complete. Units that cannot be dismantled safely will be demolished during the Phase III Building Demolition. For additional photos, see NTCRA Progress.

Building C Rooftop Removal, 16 JUN 2015

Building C Rooftop Removal, 16 JUN 2015

Site Overview, Looking North-west, 16 JUN 2015

Site Overview, Looking northwest, 16 JUN 2015

Shipping Campaign Complete

Sixty-four (64) intermodal containers with waste totaling 1,384,970 lbs or 692.5 tons were shipped off-site during the May/June 2015 Shipping Campaign that ended yesterday, 2 JUN 2015. Another shipping campaign is projected to occur later this year before building demolition begins.

Four trucks loaded and ready to leave NMI site, 28 MAY 2015.
Four trucks loaded and ready to leave NMI site, 28 MAY 2015.

Shipping Campaign Ongoing

Intermodal Transit Photos 5-14-15 011 Intermodal Transit Photos 5-14-15 003The most recent shipping campaign is ongoing. Shipment totals through the end of this week (15 May 2015) include 20 Intermodal Containers shipped and 426,040 lbs or 213 tons. Shipping will continue the next couple of weeks.

Rooftop Systems Removal Ongoing

Rooftop-Packaged E-69

Mechanical Exhaust Unit on the northwest side of Building D rooftop, facing north

In preparation for building demolition, the rooftop systems are being dismantled and removed as shown here on the northwest side of Building D. The mechanical exhaust unit has been sprayed with lock down agent on the exterior and interior of the unit and the intake and exhaust have been sealed. The unit has also been wrapped in plastic wrap in preparation of its removal.

EPA working on Action Memorandum for New Non-Time-Critical Removal Action

EPA is working on an Action Memorandum for another Non-Time-Critical Removal Action (NTCRA), which will address 1, 4-dioxane in groundwater. EPA, MassDEP, and Respondents have been working together to identify the key elements for the design of the NTCRA for 1,4-dioxane in groundwater, which generally includes further delineation of the extent of 1,4-dioxane above regulatory limits in overburden and bedrock groundwater, performance of an “aquifer pump test” in order to obtain necessary hydrogeologic data for system design (e.g., locations and pumping rates for extraction wells to capture the 1,4-dioxane plume), and performance of one or more treatability studies to evaluate potentially applicable technologies to remove 1,4-dioxane from the extracted groundwater.  Further delineation is likely to occur later this spring, before the Action Memorandum is issued.

Material Staged for Next Off-Site Shipment

Building D- Overview with former offices

Building D- Overview with former offices

Due to weather complications, schedule issues, and container availability, the scheduled off-site shipping campaign moved from April to early May. As shown in the above photo, interior walls and material are staged for disposal.

Last updated on April 15, 2015